二月天 > 玄幻仙侠 > 仙王的日常生活 > 给外国书友的一些话

给外国书友的一些话(1 / 1)

Today, Ku Xuan received the message from the editor of the foreign editorial department “Sunny“.

Sunny told me that “Immortal King“ ranked eighth in the monthly ticket list of overseas stations.

As the author of this book, I feel overwhelmed by an unexpected favour.

“The Daily Life of the Immortal King“ will be adapted into animations, games and comics.

I hope that all of you will continue to pay attention!

I am very grateful to the support of foreign companionship of books, thank you for your enjoyment of this work.

As an author, I will try to complete this book and write more interesting stories to give back to everyone.

最新小说: 斗罗:蓝银草开局的我,逆袭伐神 木叶:三十岁的宇智波提不起劲 御兽,然后合体 四合院:谁喊傻柱弄死谁 龙族:艾尔登法环回来的路明非 梦幻西游:有珍珑万花筒的我无敌了! 唯一玩家 霍格沃茨:我能看到你的名字 从被魔法少女打击退役开始上岸 联盟:什么?几个老头也能夺冠?